Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Review: Earth Defense Force 2017 for X-Box 360

Sup! I'm borrowing a game from a friend of my called Earth Defense Force 2017.

Let's start by saying this game has twitchy movement, terrible physics, subpar graphics, repetitive missions and landscapes, terrible voice-acting, a cliched storyline, and some of the worst vehicle controls you've ever played.

But I rate Earth Defense Force 2017 a 9 outta 10.

"You're CRAZY!" you say? Wrong! This game takes all of these terrible specs and turns them into one of the most addicting gaming experiences ever devised. You'll find yourself staying up until midnight blowing up robots that are around 70 feet tall, ants and spiders that could crush your house, and a rampaging Godzilla rip-off. The game's scale is amazing; you'll feel like you're going to die within four seconds of the mission's start, but then you'll think at the end, "I just wiped out an entire army...by MYSELF!"

The game's strength comes from its massive selection of (usually) unique and interesting weapons, not to mention near-entirely destructable environments, and the sheer spectacle of killing things 50-100 times your size. Each enemy, when killed, may drop these little 2-D icons, that are either first-aid kits (for health), armor (increase maximum health), or weapons (duh). While health packs are used right away, armor and weapons are tallied up at the end of each stage, then added to your inventory.

Before your mission, you select two weapons out of the categories of Assault Rifle, Shotgun, Rocket Launcher, Sniper Rifle, Missile Launcher, Grenades, and Special Weapons. You can pick any combination of two weapons (or two of the same weapon, if you're feeling obnoxious) to carry into battle with you. Then, you select the difficulty of your mission. The higher the difficulty, the better weapons you get!

To Be Continued.


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